Friday, March 7, 2014

Sapphire 8 : Check Box Group

Sapphire already includes a slush bucket and a check box list presentation alternatives for a possible values list.



However, in some cases where the set of possible values is known to always be small, a more compact presentation is desired. The new check box group presentation fills this need.

The check boxes can be arranged either horizontally or vertically.



The presentation will utilize ValueImageService and ValueLabelService, if present on the list entry's value property. The services must be attached to the value property's global service context.




  1. The property is a list property
  2. The list property has a PossibleValuesService
  3. There is exactly one possible member type
  4. The member type has exactly one property and that property is a value property
  5. The value property has @Unique annotation

Automatic Activation

This presentation does not activate automatically.

Manual Activation

The following style codes will activate this presentation as long as the applicability conditions are met.

  • Sapphire.PropertyEditor.CheckBoxGroup - produces horizontal presentation
  • Sapphire.PropertyEditor.CheckBoxGroup.Horizontal
  • Sapphire.PropertyEditor.CheckBoxGroup.Vertical

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